Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy & Prosperous New Year | 2007 | ....

Ring out the old, ring in the new ....

Ring, happy bells, across the snow ....

The year is going, let him go ....

Ring out the false, ring in the true ....

~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson ....

Wishing A Very Happy Birthday To All Of You .....

Smile Always,

Raja Gopal.

Monday, December 04, 2006

International Plastics Exhibition at Calcutta ...

Ladies 'n' Gentlemen......from November 24th to 27th, the people related to plastic industry in anyway, have witnessed a very large international plastics exhibition tagged, Indplas ’06, at Calcutta, organized by Indian Plastic Federation in collaboration with Plastindia Foundation. The exhibitor’s included, Raw material, machine, plastic finished goods manufacturers, traders, educational institutions, environmental authorities and so on…. Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd., ( I m working 4 the same ), being the biggest sponsor for the event, we had visitors from all over the country and also from other South East Asian Countries.

The people from Marketing, Sales & Business Development departments have been put to stall duties, for attending the business visitors. Commenting on the attire which was proposed for the 4 day event, it was like celebrating blazer & tie week. Anyways, that is how corporate world should function. On the final day, one of our premier customers has thrown a cocktail – dinner party in a wonderful hotel to mark the success of the event.

On the whole, the event was a great success and we surely had some potential customers from both domestic and international arena.

By the courtesy of my colleagues, Mr. Anant Kumar & Mr. Rajesh Mondal, there are some good snaps of the event. Just have a look…….

Smile Always,

Raja Gopal