Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Annual Marketing Conference - | 2007 | ....

It was April 10th 2007. The time for our Annual Marketing Meet came closest possible. It was scheduled on the next two consecutive days, i.e the 11th & 12th of April. The venue planned was a resort named Vedic Village, approximately 15 kms away from the city. The participants from all across the country, who really stay eager for an year’s time, to meet their colleagues in Calcutta and vice versa, have started checking in from 10th morning. Till 08:00 pm in the evening, more or less all the participants have arrived. Some were seen swimming in the wonderful pool which the resort had, some running from pillar to pole to finish their presentations, some looking over their respective responsibilities and others chatting in a cosy place or playing Table Tennis, with their colleagues. It was the happiest moment for every one there.

The next day, i.e 11th of April, the Meet started with an address by the first citizen of the company, Mr. S K Bhowmik, Managing Director, on the issues related to the vision and mission of the company and also on making HPL a globally competitive company. Followed him were the presentations for the day, started with Head-Mktg., Mr. Ujjal De. The agenda for the presentations viz. Overall Performance 2006-07, Issues, Actions to be taken, and Goals for 2007-08, was already broadcasted to all those who were to present. So, all the presentations were in line with the agenda & Logistics Review was the last presentation for the first day. The day was called off after this presentation and all the participants were invited for a cocktail dinner which lasted till 11:00 pm in the night. It was “Good Night”, for all the people except for us. We were to conduct a team building activity, as the opening session on the next day.

On the 12th of April, well before the time, people from Plant and Chemical Marketing Department have arrived. Right at 9:00 am, inline with the previous day, the team activity named “HPL 6 Pipers” was conducted. It lasted for a couple of hours and the winners & runners were presented with personality development books. Everyone present, have enjoyed each of the moments to their fullest.

Following the activity were the presentations scheduled for the day. In the afternoon, we had a guest of honour, Mr. Anil Jain, Managing Director, Jain Irrigation Systems, to speak on Customer Expection and his association with HPL as a customer. Soon after his deliberation were the rest of the presentations. Finally, there was a summary presentation by our Head-Mktg. which was the ultimate presentation for the two-day meet.

All the formal wears turned casual in 30 minutes time for the live music and cocktail dinner, which followed the presentation sessions. Some band was also invited to sing live. The party was wonderful and people were really reluctant to get back to their rooms even after the dinner, to pack their luggage and travel back home.

Those were probably one of those very few moments, when we weren’t happy, for the meeting schedule being so short in time. Anyways, time is not always the same. Signing off with a great hope to meet all of them in the next meet.

Smile Always,

Raja Gopal.