So What ! ... If There Was Another Religion
A New Religion - H+ ( Plus )
Author : Edward De Bono
It was time for some food for thought from Edward De Bono, a couple of days back. For the same reason, did I happen to read a book of his, which basically revolves around the idea of, How 2 live the life +ve’ly thru out. He gave six principles for this, viz…
Human, Happiness, Humour, Help, Hope, Health
Edward calls it a religion, bcoz…. H+ was introduced as a way of life, in this work of his.
Unlike other religions, which focus on avoiding sins n wrong doing, H+ (Plus ) emphasizes on +ve action. U got to contribute, to achieve n make a difference.
Cogito Ergo Sum ( I think there 4 I am )
Ago Ergo Erigo ( I act there 4 I construct )
Rest everything, is the book itself ….
If ever u find both the book n the time simultaneously, do read it once.
Smile Always,
Raja Gopal.